Recently, we asked the real estate agents of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their surprising secrets and stories from working in their field. Here’s what they told us!
1. Places where things like murders have occurred are known as “stigmatized properties” and each state has its own rules on disclosure.
“We are legally required to disclose any defects that we are aware of. In many states — but not all — we’re also required to disclose things like murders.”
2. We don’t get paid unless a home or rental closes.
“So all those showings, open houses, follow-up phone calls, texts, and emails morning-till-night? We don’t get paid for that.“
3. Online real estate marketplaces can be great, but they can lead to lots of “looky loos.”
“ and Zillow can be good resources for matching agents with buyers and sellers, but a lot of people click ‘contact agent’ with questions or showing requests that have no real intention to buy. They expect us to spend half a Saturday (or a holiday even!) showing them homes so they can be looky loos. We pay hundreds — if not thousands — of dollars for those leads each month and it’s really annoying when it’s just people clicking. Now, most of us require a loan pre-qualification letter or proof of funds.”
4. Clients should check an area’s police records if they’re concerned.
“In my state, we follow caveat emptor, aka ‘buyer beware.’ So, yes, lots of googling, but that isn’t done by me as that could be a massive liability on my part if I miss something. I advise clients to personally check local police records as well as the sex offender list for that area if they have concerns.“
5. Agents are regularly targeted by super-creepy fake clients.
“It’s a very dangerous job. I always require new clients to meet me at my office first, or text me a copy of their license. I let them know that this will be held on record with my office and that they check in with me during appointments and showings to make sure we are safe. Being alone with strangers in a vacant home is at the top of the list of things we were taught to never do when we were kids.”
6. And a lot of us carry pepper spray and stun guns because of it.
“I once was at a listing appointment and the guy selling told me ‘he didn’t expect me to show potential buyers a good time in the master bedroom’ to get it sold. He also made a comment about me showing the house in a bikini. I immediately left the listing appointment and didn’t take his calls anymore. We all carry pepper spray and stun guns for that reason.”
7. We have to disclose if there are dead bodies on the grounds.
“At least that we’re told about! If we weren’t told by current homeowner, then we’re not liable to disclose.“
8. If you ever need a good handyman, electrician, roofer, or anything house-related, ask a real estate agent for recommendations.
“We have the hookups with all the best and most affordable people in town who we know will show up and do a good job.”
9. If you’re selling your home, be sure to install security cameras.
“If your home is for sale and you still have belongings in there, I recommend having interior cameras in place. Even with an agent there to watch over people during showings, I’ve seen people snoop through personal stuff. I’ve even seen agents snoop through closets.“
10. Hiring a professional real estate photographer is a must.
“When I see bad photos for a listing, I immediately know that the agent is either new, cheap, or horrible to work with. You want that sweet, sweet wide angle lens, colors that pop, and lighting that makes every space feel open and welcoming.”
11. Don’t leave anything out that you don’t want people to see.
“Specifically, put your drugs away. We know who owns the house, and if we see that, we are required to tell the management company or owner.“
12. We get our hands dirty.
“On TV, they make it look like all Realtors do is get dressed up, show houses, and talk on the phone. In real life, I’m constantly doing lots of hands-on dirty jobs to get a house ready to sell. I’m always checking stuff out and getting things working.”
13. Pretentious Million Dollar Listing wannabes are a thing.
“It’s not uncommon for Million Dollar Listing wannabes to call and rip your listing a new one, or try to tell you what you’re doing wrong or why it won’t ever sell. They’re just trying to get you to budge on the price or be more willing accept a lowball offer.“
14. We can’t tell you if a house is in a “good” school district.
“We can only direct you to where you can look at the statistics for yourself.”
15. Beware of cat owners.
“It’s amazing how poorly some cat owners will clean before a showing. Our practice is we ask the owner to take the cat with them (so it doesn’t sneak out a door as someone is entering/leaving) and we ask them to empty the litter box. I’ve shown up before our showings to find totally full litter boxes, cat throw up on the rug, or fur balls rolling around the house. I always bring a ‘Cat Cleanup’ toolbox with me to any house that has a cat.”
16. Don’t believe everything people comment on Facebook listings.
“People who haven’t been inside a home or have no knowledge of the market or local real estate prices LOVE to leave their two cents in the comments on Facebook. I work near the coast and the best is when people comment ‘Oh, that for sure floods. No one should buy that, it’s money down the drain’ type stuff. Check the flood maps honey, it’s not in a flood zone and it’s been there for 50 years and never seen water. Bye Felicia.”
17. 10% of agents do about 90% of the business.
“It’s relatively easy to get your real estate license — in most states in the US, it’s a 100-hour course followed by a 60-question multiple choice exam — but the workload and competition to actually be a productive agent and make any money AT ALL from it is extremely difficult. The majority of real estate agent licensees drop out of the industry within their first two years of being licensed, and only half of those licensed ever sell even ONE property.“
18. Being a real estate agent comes with a cost.
“There are more costs associated with being a real estate agent, and especially a Realtor (which is a trademarked professional organization that you have to pay for separately from getting your license) than most realize. Between license fees, realtor dues, MLS fees, splits/desk fees with your brokerage, and marketing materials, it’s pretty difficult to even make a living as an agent, let alone get rich.“
19. And lastly, it sounds obvious, but if an agent is showing your house, DON’T 👏 BE 👏 THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 👏
“I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked in on people in their underwear in the middle of the day watching Game of Thrones on the couch!”